Tag: health

How to Master Your Local Farmers Market

“If you’re new to the farmers market scene, it can certainly be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, I consider myself a seasoned pro when it comes to buying local, seasonal fruits and veggies. So before you grab your reusable grocery bag and send yourself off into the sea of produce, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind…”

Breathe Deeply, Breathe Slowly

Breathe Deeply, Breathe Slowly

Painting by Alice Monroe
Painting by Alice Monroe

“Breathe deeply, breathe slowly. You can breathe through anything.

Breathing slows down your mind and body. It allows you to clear out anxiety and dread.

By following your breath, you can journey to that calm, inner place of yourself.

Sitting and breathing allows the time to imagine, to dream, to conceive of your self and your world in new ways, and to birth the action that brings those dreams into the world.”

~ Kathryn L. Samuelson

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