11:11 Blog

[VIDEO] Running to the Future

“I was looking out of the window in New York and everybody was rushing around, almost running. Everybody seemed to be in a state of intense nervous tension, anxiety. It’s suffering, really, but it’s not recognized as suffering. And I thought, where are they all running to? And of course, they are all running to the future. They are needing to get somewhere, which is not here. It is a point in time: not now—then. They are running to a then. They are suffering, but they don’t even know it.”

– Eckhart Tolle

New Year’s Wishes

Happy New Year! May we leave behind all the physical, emotional and spiritual baggage that is holding us back. May we let go of old systems and beliefs that are no longer working for us. May we focus less on problems and more on solutions. May we shift our attention to what we want rather than what we don’t want. May we learn to awaken and become the most perfect version of ourselves that we can be. May we find peace within, and then reflect it outwards for all to see.

Intuition vs. Fear: How to Recognize Your Intuition

By learning to recognize and work with your intuition effectively, you can create a greater feeling of purpose, direction, clarity, inner peace and spiritual connection in your life. Learning how to ground your sixth sense in the practical world is essential in navigating relationships, careers, financial decisions, life transitions, and personal growth.

The following 8 tips may help you to recognize the workings and value of your intuition and offer clarity about the difference between the fear-based mind and the intuitive, wise self:

11:11 – Story of My Life

"I don't always check the time, but when I do, it's 11:11."

Sound familiar? If you’re receiving the 11:11 calling, know that you are not alone. See it, feel it, wear it proudly:

Learn more about the number 11:11 here.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira