Tag: breathe

10 Tips That Can Take Your Meditation to the Next Level

Meditation has long been practiced as a means for heightened spiritual awareness. The fact is, meditation can be right for anyone in need of mental clarity and relief from everyday stress, regardless of age, gender, occupation, and personal beliefs. We’ve gathered 10 top tips that are designed to take your meditation to the next level.


[VIDEO] Achieving Perfect Health (Bashar)

“These ideas are simply the foundation of health, and if you will allow yourself to recognize that these are very simple things that can be added to your life, you will understand that in, shall we just say for analogy sake, 99.9999999999999% of the cases, these 6 ideas alone will eliminate almost any chance you will ever have of contracting any kind of disease in your life at all.”
– Bashar

What Do You Do at 11:11?

Many people around the world are drawn to the number 11:11 and tend to notice it on a regular basis. But what happens when they see it?

We asked our Facebook community: What do you do at 11:11?
The results were heart-warming and inspiring! We’ve compiled some of our favorite answers below:

Breathe Deeply, Breathe Slowly

Breathe Deeply, Breathe Slowly

Painting by Alice Monroe
Painting by Alice Monroe

“Breathe deeply, breathe slowly. You can breathe through anything.

Breathing slows down your mind and body. It allows you to clear out anxiety and dread.

By following your breath, you can journey to that calm, inner place of yourself.

Sitting and breathing allows the time to imagine, to dream, to conceive of your self and your world in new ways, and to birth the action that brings those dreams into the world.”

~ Kathryn L. Samuelson

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